
2017 Efita WCCA congres registration
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2017 Efita WCCA congres registration

Last days: Deadline June, 15th!

Montpellier, France, organizes this year the EFITA WCCA Congress. EFITA is the European conference dedicated to the future use of ICT in the agri-food sector, bioresource and biomass sector. It was launched and is supported by the European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment (EFITA) with the collaboration of the World Congress on Computers in Agriculture. EFITA happens every two year, and EFITA 2017 is the 11th edition. 200 participants are expected.

In a nice atmosphere, you will have the opportunity to share the latest knowledge and reflections on the future of ICT technologies in the agri-food and bioresources sectors. We welcome proposals of related events such as project meetings and ICT demonstrations to take place within the conference schedule and facilities. A technical tour to ICT in agriculture and territory management will conclude the conference (july 6th). The schedule is organised to make the conference attractive to research teams and to companies.

Come and enjoy 110 scientific communications and 15 demonstrations about ICTs in Agriculture, bioresource and biomass sector. About 40 countries represented. The program will also include 3 workshops, a panel session about Open data in Agriculture, 4 keynote speakers, BtoB meetings and a technical tour.

Hoping to meet you this summer in Montpellier!

On behalf of the organizing committee.

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Wij zijn een informatiebron en ontmoetingsplatform voor ICT'ers en ICT-gebruikers in de agrarische sector.

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